Its a long post but read on: I leave at 4:00 in the morning for my - TopicsExpress


Its a long post but read on: I leave at 4:00 in the morning for my surgery. I am very blessed to be able to get this procedure. For those who dont know, the cervix normally remains closed during pregnancy until you go into labor. For those who have a weak cervix (me) it opens early because of pressures like the babys weight being put on it. Sadly this is my case. For most woman, they require you do a TVC which is stitches in the cervix to keep it closed until around 39 weeks when they are removed. The problem with the TVC is that it is the lowest placed on the cervix, meaning it leaves enough room for the baby to push through and send you into labor. I demanded that I do not get a TVC but instead get a Trans Abdominal Cerclage. This one is a band possibly made of strong steel, wraped tightly around the cervix to keep it closed. Not only is this one placed higher on the cervix right under the uterus, it is the most effective meaning it did its job and kept the baby inside until we reach the safe zone. Like I said I am very blessed to be able to get this procedure. Without God and without the science He has given us, it is very likely this baby would never make it home. But because of Him and because of my faith in Him, my chances of bringing home my baby increases dramatically. The procedure is very invasive but I believe I will be one of its many success stories. Prayers and thoughts for the baby and I as we take one step closer to making our family a reality. Pray for health, steady doctor hands, grace, and for the life of my child.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 02:43:31 +0000

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