Its a new month and its time for [motivationmonday]! Thank you to - TopicsExpress


Its a new month and its time for [motivationmonday]! Thank you to the lovely Kat for sharing her story! I started doing solidcore with one goal in mind - weight loss. In my early twenties, I was more active - strength training, yoga, running, team sports - you name it, I loved it! But after a knee injury, I stopped being as active and gave into a more unhealthy lifestyle. Stress and low energy lead to overeating and laziness - and I soon found myself turning the corner to thirty with a newly gained thirty pounds. I couldn’t stand the way I looked and felt, so I knew it was time to make a change. I knew about [solidcore] from the lovely Sarah Adams, who had been in my ear daily about taking a class - so this past August, I decided to jump in, having not worked out more than sporadically in over a year. I dedicated myself to making a change and put my mind to it. My first class was tough, but not as bad as the second and third. Once I finally figured out what I was doing, I pushed myself as much as I could to strengthen up. I jumped in to doing three classes a week with lots of failures in the beginning. It was frustrating at first but it didn’t take long to see small victories in class. My body adjusted and strengthened quickly and soon I was finishing classes with more energy and more of a drive to come back. Suddenly, I realized I COULD do this! French twists WEREN’T the devil after all! Soon my goals changed and I was challenging myself mentally as well as physically. Getting back into shape by doing [solidcore] has also inspired me to make some other healthy lifestyle changes - eating much better (because now that’s all I want to do after class) and incorporating other exercises into my weekly schedule. I’m more [confident] in my strengthened abilities and no longer nervous to participate. I was surprised by how each class could be adjusted and modified to your needs. There were times when I could only push myself so far, but I still got an intense workout every single time. In time I was able to stay on my toes for longer, push myself harder, add more weights, and trust my core more. The coaches are always SO positive and encouraging and I never felt embarrassed when starting out - only supported! I’m looking forward to seeing how many more goals I’ll meet in the coming year. Hands down, the best community and workout in DC. I really can’t get enough. I’m completely [addicted]! Oh, and that little weight loss goal? I had all but nearly forgotten about it, as I was more focused on strengthening than shedding inches… but I just recently had to purchase new jeans because I’ve dropped three sizes in four and a half months. [ooh-la-la] So cheers to [solidcore] and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for all of us in this next year!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 14:08:12 +0000

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