Its a night of introspective pondering. I had a dream last night, - TopicsExpress


Its a night of introspective pondering. I had a dream last night, Ive been dwelling on it since my alarm brought me back. It went a little something like this... I was having a conversation with an Ex-Girlfriend. One I havent had a good or even polite conversation with for a number of years. We were sitting down for coffee while our kids, hers and mine and her husbands, played with cars on a map on the floor. Above our heads, she pointed at a garland stretching to the top of the ceiling made of steel and stuffed animals. All strewn threw polished stainless metal. These are out successes she said. Congratulations I told her. We parted ways, her husband I hugged and shook hands and she and I hugged and said good night. Then it began to snow, something that always scares me. All around the lawn scurried little ghost crabs burrowing into the ground. An odd dream to be certain. But I think I know the meaning. I have to embrace the fear and confusion and life changing wonder that forgiveness is. I have to congratulate people, who I feel have wronged me, on their success and their accomplishment. I have embrace those who wronged me. I have to live in a community of faith. The snow and the crabs represent fear of a future that I dont know what will me. But as my alarm drops the bomb on my lap, I saw the sunlight crest over the rubble of a ruined mill. Hope rises over ruins. Will I think that She and I will ever get to the point where we can talk again? I dont know. I dont think that was the point of the dream. I think the point was, I need to get my heart at that place. And this is the nature of my faith, wrongs can and must be forgiven.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 04:42:53 +0000

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