Its a sad day when you finally admit to yourself that you will - TopicsExpress


Its a sad day when you finally admit to yourself that you will never see the truth in mainstream media. Some outlets do lie on a daily basis, but the vast majority just ignore the most important stories to humankind. Its because that media is controlled by little more than six global corporations, and none of them are on the side of right, of the people, of Earth, or indeed of the universe. The intention is that if people dont see something on their TV then they wont believe its true - something the establishment has relied upon for decades and in many countries simultaneously. This is why the same establishment is all over the internet like a venereal disease, desperately trying to invent reasons to control it, censor it, or put it out of reach of as many people as possible by making it expensive. Terrorism is one reason for banning the internet, but terrorism is not caused by the internet. Its caused either by a woefully inadequate method of allocating resources so that the same people always end up poor, or by ruthless intel agencies in NATO or Israel who manufacture it in order to give them the excuse to invade a country and steal from it. Paedophelia is another excuse given for putting controls on the internet, ironically by members of UK parliament (amongst others) who partake in paedophelia as a hobby or pastime. But restricting the internet will not prevent paedophelia when such illness is caused by our societal system. Only a change to that system will cause the necessary, positive change in behaviour. There simply is no logical reason for attempting to control something that encourages the free dissemination of information and ideas. Unless, of course, you have a vested interest in preventing the free dissemination of information and ideas. Thus the establishment is forced to come up with ever-more creative ways to justify the destruction of a technology they know will ultimately aid in the destruction of their own power to rule. Thank god for citizen journalists, activists, truth seekers, light workers, indigo kids, and anyone who is prepared to do their part in ending the barriers to human evolution. Heres one of them. :) mashable/2014/12/13/time-lapse-new-york-protest-march/
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 18:29:00 +0000

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