Its a small world after all, its a small world . . . My spouse - TopicsExpress


Its a small world after all, its a small world . . . My spouse and I have had season tickets at the Lakewood Playhouse for perhaps 10 years or so. Last night we went to see a most enjoyable rendering of A Year With Toad and Frog. I read in the program that one of the performers, Erin, was a 4th-5th grade teacher. Having taught those grades for most of my 24-year teaching career before I retired, I thought I might like to meet her after the play. In the lobby afterwards there was quite a contingent to greet her. I stood behind the group, biding my time. Lo and behold, the man that turned out to be her father joined the group. Our eyes met and we recognized each other. He took 2 steps my way, put out his hand, and said, Jim. I extended mine and called out his name, Bruce. It was Bruce Dees, the Senior Class Room Rep standing next to me in the attached 1964 high school photo. He introduced Renae and me to his daughter and invited us over to his house on Gravelly Lake, which just happens to be about 2 doors down from the house where Renae and I and our children were living in and the yard we got married in 25 years ago this coming July. But wait, theres more! Erin teaches in the Clover Park School District, for whom I taught for 24 years, the last 23 of which were at Clarkmoor Elementary. Last school year was Clarkmoors final year. JBLM opened 2 new schools this year: Rainier and Meriwether Elementary. Erin teaches at Meriwether. It truly IS a small world after all!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 20:02:12 +0000

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