Its a sunny day here in Stavanger. Its one of the rarest days - TopicsExpress


Its a sunny day here in Stavanger. Its one of the rarest days every Stavanger dweller looks forward to. Walking through town and campus, I have seen many city dwellers and students, as is always the custom, sit outside to enjoy the heat of the sun. In another part of the world, however, people run away from the sun for cover for the very same heat that those in Stavanger welcome with joy and cheer. In another vein, the cool temperatures in Stavanger are seen as uncomfortable. But other places, cool temperatures are seen as a sign of good sleep. So you see, what some people see as an opportunity in one part of the world, others see the very same thing as a disadvantage. Its similar with life, too. There are very little things we have control over in life. For instance, you have no control over the country you were born in, the family and parents you were born to. You had no hand in your being a Ghanaian or African. You had no hand in being born in a poor or wealthy family, just like a Stavanger or Accra dweller has no control over the weather and climate. But one thing is for sure; you have control over your PERSPECTIVE OF LIFE. Instead of seeing your life as a disadvantage, you can change your perspective. Why? Because there are many other people who grew in even poorer families, yet have made good out of the liability they inherited. Instead of seeing your birth in Africa as a curse, you can see it as a blessing; that you are born by God, who makes no mistake, to improve and make Africa better than you met it. Dont allow those things you have less or no control over to change your life. You have the power to do something, and that is; CHANAGE YOUR PERSPECTIVE OF LIFE. SEE YOURSELF AS A CHANGE AGENT. You were not born to just live and die; you were born to make a positive change that will leave imprint throughout history. CHANGE YOUR PERSPECTIVE; CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 13:06:00 +0000

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