Its a very Touching story. It also shows the love of allah - TopicsExpress


Its a very Touching story. It also shows the love of allah (swt). The power, the power of allah subhana u wa tala. Never Ever.understimate the power of allah. You know there was a sheikh who mentioned this in saudi Arabia and there was a doctor who visited him from Pakistan. And told him a story that happened to hom. So he says what happened to me ... he the doctor who is speaking is a top neurologist. One of the top doctors in Pakistan or you know a very good doctor . A very hard to meet. Its said that perhaps you have to wait months on end before you can get an appointment to see him. So what happened is, he says... I was flying from one city to another. A very busy man flying quite often within the country and perhaps even outside. And he says suddenly. The clouds built... the clouds built up. Huge clouds and the lightning striking.and one of the engines was struck. And it was damaged so we had to land. We had to land. And so what happens is... The landing was at nearby little airport. Or at a little(landing) strip. And so on... And when they landed there, it was a remote area. How are they going to repair this aircraft. A few people who were on it, it was a small plane. They were... you know. Quite surprised, because yoy know they landed in such a remote place. No one is there to repair it.. They would have to wait, definitely! So the doctor asks the captain or the pilot. You know what. How long are you going to be. He says no. Were going to be quite long. Well I need to get to that area. Look he says, its just 3 hours drive with via vehicl, so why dont you just go by road. You can go there, and get there.he (doctor) says good idea. Because this is going to take long. So he decides to go on of those TRI- shaws [taxi]. You know in Pakistan, one of the areas. Wherever it was. And he jumped in taxi. And as they started progressing. The clouds built again. And the lightning was striking and rain started pouring. And it was pouring so much. That vehicl could not move much more, because of the mud and because of everything else. And so it was quite open area with a bit of farmland. And after a while they relized. Look we are not getting anywhere... There is a little house here. Why dont we just go there, we can rwad our salah. Perhaps we can see, have a bit of a meal. Whatever else. And they decided to knock the door. Strange people, strange land, far off. Out in the rurals. And so he knocks the door, and hes got his little bag and everything and walks in. An old lady happened to answer the door.after a while. And she. The spoke to her, saying, look this is what happened. And we are going to so and so from so [place]. We just want a place to read salah and so on. And she said no problem, you can come in. She had a little musalla [ prayer place], a little sajjada. And she had a little baby on the side, or not a baby but a child. And the child every little while, she is actually checking on the child and she sitting on that musalla, making dua and reading her own salah. These people fulfilled their salah, and did what ever they had to... and when they were about to leave...they stop to the old lady, saying, you know thank you very much. Jazakum allah khiar and so on. You know were going... whats happened to this child do you know? So the woman says, look the child is an Orphan. And the child is not well, not at all, very sick. Weve been to all the doctors around. Weve been all the doctors around and....subhanallah... I am the grandmother of this child. The doctors have told us that there is only one specialist around. One specialist around.who can help this child.and we tried to make an appointment. But they asked us to come six months later. And its far away. And Ive been making dua to allah every since that day.ya allah, make it easy for us. The child is sick, the child is sick. Make it easy for us, ya allah. So the man says, whats the name of that specialist? So the granny says, hes doctor ishan. Immediately this doctor burst into tears. He Burst into tears straight away. He burst into tears. Why are you crying? answered. For your dua, the thunder came, the lightning came.the Engine struck.we came down... We came on the road, the rain came again, and stopped us and so on. And do you know what? The rain only stopped after the question was asked. Now it happened. And now the woman starts crying. Subhanallah...and the doctor himself is telling the story. Saying, that was me it happened to me, he says. And he says, I learnt. That Allahs armies... are beyond limits.allah uses whatever he wants to get what he want done. Its over. Where in wildest of the dreams of this person. Would have felt or believed, that the top man... whom it is-impossible for you to see withoutbig, big appointments. Would actually be driven all the way to the door.knock the door. Come in here. Read some salah.and they would have to serve the child here. Amazing. Wallah it brings tears to the eyes. But the reason I share it with you. ..Every one of us has needs for allah subhana hu wa tala. Just keep calling allah. Just have yakeen. [Believe.Faith] have conviction. If it is meant, it will definitely come in your direction. Iwant to tell you by the mercy if and the power if allah [SWT]. Ut will happen. It will come to pass. May allah subhanahu wa tala bless us.may he open doors. May he grant us shifa.and may he makes us firm believers, that for him [allah] nothing is impossible. وصل الله وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وآل محمد
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 17:31:43 +0000

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