Its about being real and true. Nirvana and bands like them are as - TopicsExpress


Its about being real and true. Nirvana and bands like them are as real as it gets in this industry. Its about wether you want something real and honest, or fake and cheesy. Its fine if people wanna listen to 1D and performers like them or bring their kids to their concerts, but that music never lasts. Its almost a mathematical certainty it wont last. This is because the like of 1D built their success on everything external apart from their music (marketing, PR, media hype, fashion - anything but the music) and one could argue that this certainty could be proven as a fact of science, since the brain tends to respond more to music that awakens deeper past emotions than a popular pop group of the day that either irritated them or entertained them temporally or that forced them to pay attention not because the music itself stirred anything in them, but something external apart from the music i.e. outside peer pressure and society made them make the conscious choice to like or agree with it out of fear of exclusion. The reason behind music is everything for when that pop music is outdated and played back to people, because it no longer comes with the external approval of society which made the listener pressured to listen to it the first time around, theres no internal reason to like it and no consequence that can force anyone to listen. Thats why people still buy and crank up Nirvana and why people will for generations to come, because Nirvanas music and the like of them made music that reached people internally which made the fans experience a very personal one, so when they hear that music again, their brain sends signals that awaken their subconscious to strong emotions, feelings and personal memories associated with that song because they invested a piece of their life and heart into it. This is why New Kids On The Block and Bros never surpassed their generation and why they do not get replayed or revisited or talked about because the music failed to reach listeners internally so people have zero investment in these performance acts. Yet, Nirvana and the like are different, because they are true artists. Performing acts have a sell by date as most fake, manufactured and dishonest cheesy music does. 1D will be the same and fade away like dozens before them. Nirvana will last just like the Beatles because it touches peoples souls which can transcend the test of time. Any wonder a band like Pixies sell out EVERY show of their world tours and pop perfumers struggle to achieve the same? When it all comes down to it, 1D and the like do not touch the soul, they just entertain the flesh and the carnal minds of pre-pubescent girls who will grow up one day and cringe when they look back at what they listened to. Music that reaches the soul is what is real and what lasts and will never warrant the level of embarrassment that 1D will have on their fans one day. Its a question of what you choose to value and what you teach your children to value. Are you going to value and teach your children to value something real that lasts, or something fake that wont?
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 13:56:11 +0000

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