Its all about subversion. Its all about how to sell someone - TopicsExpress


Its all about subversion. Its all about how to sell someone something without their knowledge now a days. Terms and conditions, Point of sales, End user Agreements, these are the tools, the kólpa tou emporíou if you will, used by media, corporations, and any underhanded individual or group that seeks to use the trust of others to get what they want. Not need, WANT. People do not need a lot to survive. People do not even need a lot to be happy to the fullest. You dont have to have six houses and twelve cars. We as both humans and consumers need basic things that we ourselves can expand on with little help from others and especially from the big shots trying to own everything. One of the essentials that we need is information. Information comes in a plethora of ways to be utilized such as: books, tv, the internet, social media, bill boards, radio, etc, so the problem does not lie in ways to obtain the information. The problem we face as a society in the regard is our exposure to true information, information that affects us. There are enough facets available that we could literally have news coverage ranging from how to save the desert tortoise to how the Conventions of States will be changing our daily lives and interaction with both people and government, and still have time for commercial breaks! So why dont we? The answer can be broken down into a simple answer. Lets take this to a basic level and bear with me. Pretend for a second we are not talking about big companies that spans hundred of countries and influence millions. Lets take it down to your job. Your daily life. Lets say you are going to McDonalds and getting a drink and a burger. Everyone has done that right? You walk up to the counter and order a Diet Coke with a Big Mac. The clerk takes your money, disappears for a second an then viola you have a drink and a burger! Notice that you cannot look into your beverage unless you open the lid and see for yourself and you also cannot see everything on your burger but you can in fact see several veggies and things from the side. Now you have two options before you ever drink that soda. You can take the clerks word on it and believe its a Diet Coke and then you will be either right or wrong. There is no middle ground. You take a drink and bam everything is great or darn the luck, you got Regular Coke. Now with all that being said there is still the opposite to consider. Why not check for yourself? All you have to do is take the lid off and look in to see. You check and you smell the crisp taste of a Diet Cola or waddaya know its green and you got Mountain Dew. Now you dont have to take a swig of a drink you possibly hate or if you are a diabetic you wont perhaps make another error with slightly larger consequences. Now for that burger. I personally have never just ordered a burger and not check it in a very long time. Why is that? Because at some point, Im sure 95% of us have experienced the headache of a wrong order. Cheese, no cheese, I didnt want pickles, ewe gross onions! There is always something, so even if you trusted them the first time or so, once they mess it up what do you do? You check your food. You take that bun off and inspect. And if you are like me, you are not just making sure you have what you want but you are also making sure the ever present disgruntled employee didnt take the opportunity to give your burger a little doesnt that seem like a lot of effort for just a meal? Think about the work you had to do to get the money just to pay for that meal and then add on all the extra work of what you just went through for lunch. Ill say it again, all that JUST FOR A MEAL? Most of you have experienced this so you know what I mean. Now the whole point Im trying to make here is that you can trust someone until they give you a reason not to right? Ok fine Im good with that. But once they prove themselves to not be the most stalwart of institutions you will start doing your research. You inspect and you make sure you got what your ordered. Thats the point. So with all that being said whats the point? The point is when you made that order you supposedly got what you desired, you didnt actually see them make it though did you? Did you see the cow the meat came from? The garden the veggies came from? No but you take it on faith. That is the perfect recipe for subversion to make its move. Those who dont care or want to just get away with what they want will in fact do what they want and if you dont notice, then oh well, and even worse if you do notice an dont care, now you have just given in to that jerk who wanted to take what they needed from you and you are technically a victim. Now yes this would all be a little extreme for lunch. But thats why this is an important example. Blow this back up to important matters like national security and the welfare of your family. Now imagine the same type of individual that was handling your burger is now handling your taxes, your insurance claim, your child care or God forbid your source of information regarding who to vote for. Its all about subversion. This is a world where there are still good people and those who will be good to you based on the idea that they want good to be done to them. However this is also a world where greed and underhandedness runs rampant and those who do not do research to protect themselves will then find themselves as the ones being trampled on for whatever the person in charge wants. NOW the big idea. The point of all this. Do. Your. Research. Ask questions. Seek alternate forms of information. Just because its not Fox News does not mean its not the truth. To be honest the big players like that are the ones that are most susceptible to inversion of ethics and information. You can listen to CBS say everything is fine and we are enjoying a era of peace, then go to five other lesser news sites and then you find out we are going to war in Syria, or Ukraine. Who are you going to believe then? Broaden your horizons and do the research because if you dont it might not matter when it comes to a burger and drink. But when it comes to important things like your life and family they are worth more than just the effort you would afford your lunch.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 17:13:46 +0000

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