Its all very well these fascist snooty feckers slam those down who - TopicsExpress


Its all very well these fascist snooty feckers slam those down who are unemployed.... But consider this... Many folk would love to be in employment, working hard, grafting ... Many simply cant... Me personally ... Ive taken time out of the world of work due to mental health, im a diagnosed type two bipolar sufferer, I have worked incredibly hard and put money into taxes for years... So please dont you dare tell me Id feel better if I got off my arse and got a job and not make excuses... Until you have bipolar and have to endure emotional psychological and physical pain... Until you battle with rapid mood shifting, suicidal thoughts, extreme manic behaviors, depression, highs, lows... Where your whole life is thrown into complete turmoil because you have a chemical imbalance in your brain, where you are completely terrified youll have a repeated episode and put others at risk as well as yourself, or feel that hopeless.... DO NOT JUDGE WHAT YOU DONT KNOW... Who the hell some people think theyre is beyond me.... Be thankful Im on medication thats all Im saying.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 10:49:16 +0000

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