Its almost 3am. I cant sleep, looking at the ceiling thinking, - TopicsExpress


Its almost 3am. I cant sleep, looking at the ceiling thinking, making points in the sky of my life. စ i dont think he loves me စ people lie alot! စ why am i faithful? စ whats the quickest way to die? စ mom left me to die, so maybe i shudnt even be here. စ why cant i sleep even when my eyes are closed? စ 2 years,.., wat 2 years? စ Dady was right စ I miss my baby...the 1 i used to know စ Sometimes i wish i was never born စ i wish i never met some people စ If only Gogo was alive... စ i want to ask God a Question စ Why was ii born with an extra finger? စ im 19, why do i get attached to people? စ why. why? စ I want children စ I seek happiness စ I want to be wanted. စ LOVe? စ i love my humoungous family စ My dady is getting old :( i wish i cud stop it စ i dont like loosing people i love စ i cant remove memories i dont need... စ i just stop talking to people. စ sometimes i just need a hug စ Never been on a date စ Never really held hands publicly with anybody စ ive only ever kissd 3 people... စ I love Cape Town wholeheartedly
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 00:49:34 +0000

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