Its almost as if fighting an insurgent group in 2014 is a - TopicsExpress


Its almost as if fighting an insurgent group in 2014 is a completely different kettle of fish to fighting a major World War in the 40s. Also, The US needed only 3.5 years to defeat the Axis because they were alongside powerful allies with well-trained armed forces, in a war where home turf meant very little because both sides were doing mostly the same thing and were both familiar with the tactics. Meanwhile the coalition against ISIS is nowhere near as strong, and theyre fighting in unfamiliar territory, against an unfamiliar enemy who isnt just sitting across the field from you. Normally I have high respect for the writers of Time, but frankly David Rothkopf has proven himself to be writing out of his arse with horrific logic and a terrible THE US WAS THE ONLY COUNTRY FIGHTING THE AXIS IN WW2 mentality. Thank god hes just a guest contributed.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 21:50:52 +0000

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