Its almost golf weather. Watch how golf was invented.|I just rank - TopicsExpress


Its almost golf weather. Watch how golf was invented.|I just rank advanced to Sales Manager/Regional Coordinator tonight!!! I literally could not have made this promotion without an outstanding team of leaders. Thanks to everyone in the Three Percent Tribe!!|Funniest vid Ive seen recently. ALL my musician friends will LOVE this!|https://facebook/photo.php?v=10201938758568988|What this article does NOT say is that China is the Number One producer of gold in the world today, and that none of the tons of gold they produce are leaving China. What does that tell you? The article also states that the US Government has thousands of tons of gold. It probably has none in Fort Knox.|China holds the scrotum of Uncle Sam in its fist. Any day, China could dump a couple hundred billion of Treasuries on the bond market and it would collapse the bond market. But it would also turn the US Dollar into worthless paper literally overnight. And the gold-backed Yuan would emerge the next day as World Reserve Currency.| So understand this. All the bluff and bluster that the US Fleet is making over the disputed Japanese islands is being ALLOWED by China for appearances sake. The Chinese know who is in charge, and its NOT Washington.|Have you begun your Mandarin language studies yet? I have. Hoi Shwa po ton qua. ??????? intellihub/china-starts-make-power-move-u-s-dollar/|ATTN:For all the unconversant people out there.|When you are a pioneer, people take shots at you. When you are a leader, you present your back to the people behind you. In the competition of the marketplace, the bigger you are and the more influence you have, the more people take shots at you to try to knock you off.|We in FlexKom are changing the way that small business DOES business. We are pioneers. We expect our competitors to shoot arrows at us. If you are in business and not disrupting the marketplace, you are not attracting the attention of your competitors.|If you cannot take this kind of competition in the marketplace, then get out of the marketplace. You do not belong in the world of the entrepreneur. You should get a job and be an employee.|Its Monday. You went back to work today. Read this and be grateful.|I am the average? No. In a group of five, there is the one in the middle, with two below and two above. I prefer to think of myself as #1 of 5, rather than #3 of 5. I aint average ANYTHING!|Google the name FlexKom and youll find all kinds of negative postings. There are sites that say awful things...sites that want YOU to believe that they are consumer advocates and ripoff protection sites. Pinocchios nose grew when he lied........ What you WONT find are negative postings from our Merchants and our Customers. Im serious...look for them. They are not there. When you find a negative posting about FlexKom, stop for a moment and REALLY LOOK at the website. If they ask for your email address, or if there is even ONE advertisement on their website, they are whats known as Feeder Sites. They are feeding new customers to their advertisers, or they will use your email address to send you other sales offers. Doing your Due Diligence research about FlexKom online is kind of like getting your news from a supermarket tabloid. If youre serious about learning about FlexKom, ONLY check with the state and federal regulators where you live. Its the opinion of the regulators that matters. All else is competition. Learn more about where you can find the websites for the regulators at Click on the page entitled Is FlexKom A Scam? Do it TODAY. And remember Pinocchio.|Stay peaceful, to all my friends.|
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 13:23:53 +0000

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