Its almost over....the day that is. The cruise for tonight has - TopicsExpress


Its almost over....the day that is. The cruise for tonight has been rescheduled for a possibly better weather time later on in the week, so Im just lazin around doin a little of nuthin. Well, I am eatin and sleepin so I guess that counts for sumthin. I was up before the crack of dawn which never really cracked cause it was a bit soft outside with all the fog, so I guess youd call it the slice of dawn. It was warm though for the first day of winter. Got to nearly 80 before the rain started in. It was quiet, as in not much traffic on the water, but the skies are sure full of planes. Tryin to record for my video is hard when the buzz keeps interruptin. Still the peace was there. Sorry, but I mainly got the same old kind of captures to share. Seems like the wildlife is hidin from me lately. Did see a couple of passin manatees, and the one gator, but otherwise it wasnt too dramatic a cruise around Goat Island. I hope ya all are bein safe out there on the roads, and not so involved with the Christmas stuff ya forget to be safe. Captn Nat
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 21:29:01 +0000

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