Its always benefical to you to be truthful to yourself. There is a - TopicsExpress


Its always benefical to you to be truthful to yourself. There is a spirit people misinterpret as faith, kushinga, chivindi or hanging on yet its actually an evil spirit. Self denial is dangerous because many will only find out that they have been lying to self when its too late to turn back. Its easy to convince yourselt that you are in love and this boy or girl wont hurt your feelings. Its easy to tell yourself he/ she will change but its not the reality. It can be factual yet its not the truth. If you are going to stand on something let it be scriptures which are correctly interpreted. Just because you have qoute a scripture does not mean your situation will change. I have seen people who have reasoned with self until they have convinced self that what they are doing is alright and harmless yets its destructive, this is called personal deception which is the worst demon. For others can be cast out but this one will support itself with misinterpreted scripture and testimonies. These types of demons attend church services give tithes. These are driven by the thing called motive. They do all the right things but for the wrong reason in church. Self deception is worse than the demon of withcraft for the results of witchcraft are immediate yet the results of self deception are long term even lifetime. True growth comes with genuine repentence from sin. Did you know self deception can teach you to act and behave like a real christian but deep in you knowing that if Christ comes today i will not go to heaven and this spirit wont allow you to correct things. This is the same spirit which causes christians to be comfortable in sin calling them weaknesses. The Bible says as a man thinketh so is He. Once the inner mind of man is corrupted the whole body is affected. Thats why. . Romans 12:2 KJV And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. When the eyes of a man a blind the whole body is in danger Time permitting will deal with this issue as part two as i would like to show you why you have been frustrated with self, God and life. Pst frank mupoperi
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 09:36:14 +0000

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