Its always hard to forget hurtful things that are said about you. - TopicsExpress


Its always hard to forget hurtful things that are said about you. Please help our next Bonus mom with words of encouragement and advice on how to handle the hurtful words that BM has said and how she can move forward... How do you maintain a good civil relationship with BM? Have been with DH almost four years. SD will be five in February. First three years BM and myself did not get along at all. She wanted DH back after three failed relationships after their divorce all within a four month period. I think she was jealous/threatened by me and had very very harsh things to say about me without even knowing me and went as far as to fb message my ex husband to dig up dirt but he didnt reply. Anyway fast forward to this past year we somewhat made up and were civil then when DH is home from work (oilfield) she does her normal stuff and it causes problems. We have gone back and forth so many times. And she just told me last night she wants to be friends and wants me to trust her. That she tells SD that I am her other mommy. But I have the hardest time trusting her and getting over everything she has ever said to me or about me in the past. Anytime a fight started with her and DH I was always brought into the argument by her in one way or another. I have been called a whore, a unfit mother, she has brought up on several occasions the fact that my two oldest live w their father. How do you get past it ? How to I begin to try to like her w all that still in my heart and head? I can forgive til Im blue in the face but I cannot forget. And shes the type of things arent how she wants the she makes it hard on everyone.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 00:30:00 +0000

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