Its amazing how many people in the church do not value the things - TopicsExpress


Its amazing how many people in the church do not value the things of God, how everybodys content with being a normal believer and not a radical disciple of Jesus Christ. So we have itching ears, hearing only what we wanna hear: new creation realities, which are true and legitimate teachings of the scripture and the foundation for a lotta things, but you start talking about new creation responsibilities and you lose em. Because people would rather hear a convenient theology rather than the whole truth. Lazy christians are bred, who do not see the need to pray everyday and study the word, to be excellent and dilligent in business, to live right and have integrity and to represent Christ to the world. We think that Christ is gonna do everything for us, we think we have no responsibilities. We pray only when its convenient, go to church if its not going to affect our plans, study the bible if were not tired, buy and read christian literature if its convenient... People have died and given themselves 100% to the same gospel were treating like dung. People have been impaled, burned at the stake, fed to lions, sawn in half just so you can have what you have now. God the Son, Jesus Christ, because of His great love for us became a man, a servant-man, died on a cruel cross, rejected by His Father, became sin, became poor, took our sicknesses, stayed in hell for three days and rose up again so we can have eternal redemption, and we treat in like dung. We trample the Son of God underfoot and treat the blood of Christ like a common thing. Nobody wants commitment to the Lord, we just wanna give Him part, then we tell Him Lord Ill handle the rest. Jesus wanted disciples, not converts. He told us go out into all the world and make DISCIPLES of the nations, not converts. Enough of superficial christianity. I just hate it when people lift up holy hands singing lies to God, singing it all belongs to you, I love You forever. And they go out and live like God doesnt exist, thinking theyre doing Him a favor by coming to church and maybe working in a section. It has become a religious display, not a power house of the Holy Spirit. These are the folks Jesus described as honoring Him with their lips but their hearts are far from Him. People without conviction. Man we need to repent, the church needs to repent, and get back to out first love. Normal christianity is I have been crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me.... Give Him 100%, I assure He deserves it.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 04:37:00 +0000

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