Its amazing how some Black people can get on CNN, Fox News, Radio, - TopicsExpress


Its amazing how some Black people can get on CNN, Fox News, Radio, and Social Media and tell us about how we should act or feel when it comes too the Police. Now while saying that I have family members who are officers, In-Laws who are police officers, and friends. If you have not been a victim of police harassment, or Police brutality (check Yourself).While station in Norfolk Va during the late 80s I was a victim of police harassment, if this officer say me or with someone going some where he would stop us, he knew where we stayed and he would continuously drive threw our neighborhood, he new what kind car we drove all that. But needless to say he got fired from Police Corruption, I think from planting evidence. In late 2000 walking home I was stopped by an officer in Jacksonville Fla, now I had waked this route for two years police pass through the neighborhood all the time,( for my Jville people it was by the Avenues Mall) Told me he stopped me because there were a string of robberies going around the office buildings that was around the neighborhood, I said ok thank you for that information my house is around the corner, and keep it moving. so as i continue to walk to my house he pulled his patrol car in front of me to hold me up, In the end he saw a Black Man walking on the sidewalk thinking I couldnt live in that area, I had Blue shirt, and jeans on (dark clothing) Some of these people need to check their self before they start checking everyone else, BECAUSE ONE DAY IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU OR YOUR FAMILY. and that were just two encounters I had, ALL POLICE ARE NOT BAD I GOT LOVE FOR THEM I WOULD NEVER WANT TO GET A PHONE CALL THAT ONE OF MY FAMILY MEMBERS, OR FRIEND WAS HURT BY SOME IDIOT, BUT ALSO THEY WOULDNT WANT TO GET A CALL EITHER THAT A LOVE ONE IS DEAD BECAUSE OF A ROUGE COP PEACE AND GOD BLESS
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 16:07:37 +0000

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