Its amazing that that the people at Mozilla forced their CEO out - TopicsExpress


Its amazing that that the people at Mozilla forced their CEO out for believing in Traditional marriage. What would have they have done if he said he believed in Civil Union. I believe in Traditional marriage. If you are a born again Christian the word of God wont lead your wrong there are many scriptures about adding to or taking away of the Word of God. So people try to pick out only parts they can live by and not the rest. The Word of God tells about forgiveness, love, prayers he will answer and those he will not, commandments, divorce and abomination and many others Matthew 15:14 And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a ditch. Im still a sinner but a sinner saved by Grace (1976 Castlerock Baptist Church) and the fear of death and Hell does not abide in me. Let the holy spirit guide you when you read the bible and it will lead you Home dont be Ignorant to the Word of God. Thanks be to God for Salvation . just Expressing my Freedom of Speech
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 12:41:59 +0000

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