Its amazing the things the so-called Body of Christ (not all, but - TopicsExpress


Its amazing the things the so-called Body of Christ (not all, but many) gets worked up about and spends all of its time talking about and foaming at the mouth about. We can spend hours on end discussing the inherent evil in going to a rap concert, and be ready to start a revolution around that, but we clam up when it is asked of us to donate time to a cause, give back sacrificially in ways that help build up a community, like mentoring, tutoring, volunteering in shelters, prayer walking, giving back to schools or community organizations...not just churches....and putting in some sweat equity that proves our faith isnt just a bunch of high minded talk. We spend time on Sundays shouting and screaming and foaming at the mouth for God to send revival, and then we piously act like we are exempt from being the answers to our own prayers. We have long, drawn out Facebook forums on what people are wearing to church or on CD covers and on best dating practices, but couldnt define the word discipleship if our lives depended on it. We plan big programs and events and get as many big named Christian personalities to fill the program slots as we can find, and proudly pass out flyers and post these things to our church building marquees, thinking we have done our part to reach the community, when in all actuality we are blind to the fact that the community surrounding our churches, by and large, doesnt care...but as long as the house is full, the social media is poppin and the money is flowing, it must be ok, right? Meanwhile, the people who need Christ the most are ignorant to the trappings of our churchiness and are looking for more than the soundbite/Christian cliche ministry that many of us are content with offering in our entertainment centers called church buildings....They all arent looking for a handout. Not material stuff, but someone from this so called Body of Christ to actually be the hands and feet of Jesus. But apparently arguing about attendance at a rap concert is whats highest on the Masters agenda. Im sorry. My mistake.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 16:09:19 +0000

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