Its amazing to me how a person can go from having a seemingly - TopicsExpress


Its amazing to me how a person can go from having a seemingly normal day-to feeling like the universe is folding in on your every thought. I will never understand myself. I can have a barrage of random ideas, fragments of images and parts of sentences ricochet off the walls of my head in a matter of seconds- we all can and do. Its like my spirit is problem solving and it does it without even needing my help. my brain is literally downloading material and putting it in the appropriate rooms...Frankly-its makes me feel frantic. Usually it happens in the darkest, loneliest part of the night-but when it happens in the middle of the day when Im walking the dog, its a bit of a surprise. I feel like someone has jumped out of the bush and scared the living crap outta me. Its easy to let it all get away from me. If I try to interfere with myself I get into trouble-but when I get out of the way and just breathe, its over before I knew what hit me in the first place. Its not anxiety. Its simply information. They always talk about how a womans body knows how to have a baby and that she simply need let it do its thing with out fighting what is instinctual. I think when it comes to thinking-its not all that different. Get out of your way and stop trying to figure every single thing out. I love the philosophy of NOT believing everything you think. That would sink me indeed. The most important part for me-of being creative, is not censoring myself, just letting whatever it is thats out there, filter through my body. Believe me, youll get rid of what you dont need. You cant run trying to cup water in your hands. It WILL pour out. Be easy on yourself. I make sure that I encourage myself every day. The world is a difficult place to be on the best of days, make sure you know whos side youre on. Yours.
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 18:07:35 +0000

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