Its amazing to me that a lot of people want to enjoy extraordinary - TopicsExpress


Its amazing to me that a lot of people want to enjoy extraordinary results without putting in the work. Somehow during their growing up years they adopted the ridiculous and illogical entitlement attitude. They want to get something for nothing. They want to do the least to get the most. They want to cover their backside and be comfortable and protected... but want the extraordinary rewards that are NOT associated with it. Newsflash! In reality, things just dont go that way. Its not scientific at all. Its not how the world works. You only get what you put in. Action leads to results. Extraordinary rewards go to those who put themselves on the line and go for it... not an ass coverer. Just think about it: Those who enjoy extraordinary results are those who dedicate themselves to be masters of their craft. The top athletes spend hours on end in the gym and their competing arena training, day in day out. Master chefs spend their time in the kitchen. Successful entrepreneurs spend most of their time working on their business and getting great in what they do. The fact is: You get good in what you spend time doing. If you spend time complaining and whining, you become a great whiner. If you spend time trying to do less, avoiding responsibilities and covering your ass, you become good at ass covering. If you spend time mastering business and marketing, you become good in that too... and will enjoy the benefits and perks that come with it. Its pretty simple and obvious, really. So be careful what craft you choose to master. Then spend time and put in the work to master your craft. Make sense? “SHARE” it so others will benefit as well. “Like” fb/santqiu for more powerful business and marketing tips.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 05:56:05 +0000

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