Its an honor and priveledge to tell you my spiritual story and - TopicsExpress


Its an honor and priveledge to tell you my spiritual story and journey. Because I was raised by Christian parents, I was exposed to the idea of Christainity early in my life. But, it was hearing the Bible, Gods true word, spoken by pastors, teachers, and parents in our church that allowed me to hear the truth of Jesus Christ. At the same time, I was being convicted by the Holy Spirit of sin in my life. At the age of 8 yrs. old, my dear Mom explained to me that we all have sinned and the only way to be on Gods side, who was perfect and pure, was to accept that only Jesus sacrificed His blood and this blood could cover my sin. Its not anything that I could do to correct my sin. It was a gift of God that Jesus came to die for ME! I only had to realize that I am a sinner, acknowledge Gods great gift of Jesus sacrifice, and ask Him to come into my heart as Lord of my life. And believe that He rose from the grave and now lives in my heart. I prayed with my mother that night 52 yrs. ago! Since that time, I wish I could say my life has been perfect. But, sin is still lurking in the shadows all around us just waiting to see where our weaknesses are. Our family at that time broke apart for a time. Difficult indeed.Then God restored our family because my mother kept the faith, and there was a turning away from sin. Fear and depression ruled my life for most of my growing up years. This caused much regret, missed opportunities, misunderstandings, unhappiness, a lot of tears. I hid that from most people and friends. But, God knew. I repeatedly asked to be healed. He healed me through many different avenues in my journey. I had to reach up hard in prayer, read His word, live for Him deliberately, and step out of my comfort zone more than once!!! And everyday He heals me! Every day is a challenge to love, forgive, to live without fear. I depend on HIM! But, knowing God has never, ever left my side nor forsaken me, has given me His strength to live for Him. There have been good days and some bad days. But, He never gave up on me! And I have to tell soon as I asked God into my heart, I knew that God was going to use me to tell others about Jesus. My gifts of compassion, love, and nurturing were not always seen as gifts to me when I was younger. But, He knew under all that fear and depression was a greatness that only He could give. Im not ashamed to say it! He loves me unconditionally and I love HIM!! And to me it means Im thankful for the good and the bad thats happened in my life. I know that God is stronger than any emotions or actions that I or satan can dish out. So dont judge, dont assume bad. You never know what God is doing in someones heart. He uses the weak you know! I am destined for greatness to be used by Him! For I am and olive tree flourishing in the House of God... Psalm 52:8,9
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 07:43:52 +0000

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