Its been a busy week visiting with my dad, and with my niece - TopicsExpress


Its been a busy week visiting with my dad, and with my niece coming to visit. We went to see the grizzlies at the bear sanctuary on Bozeman Hill. I will post pictures when I get to Dutch Harbor and I am home again. Weve been dodging deer all week going back and forth between my brothers houses in Livingston and Clyde Park. When I first got here I was only seeing does and fawns. Now the bucks are coming out, and some of them have nice racks on their heads. I have counted three and four points on most of them. My brothers neighbor asked me what I meant by four points, since on the east coast they mean the number of points on both antlers, and four points would be a two point buck in Montana. I reminded him that I was born and grew up in Montana and a four point buck is a four point buck, period! We went to the Museum of the Rockies to see their dinosaur exhibit. All of the dinosaur fossils in the displays came from various places in Montana. We had quite a selection of different species variations of the triceratops. They were like Jurassic cattle in Montana. One skull was about eight feet long. That was one big cow! They had some kind of bird dinosaur doing a pole dance on the neck of a brachylophosaurus. Outside of the museum, there was a bronze sculpture of the skeleton of a tyrannosaur named Big Mike. A sign asked people to not try climbing on Mike. However, Marcia and I took pictures of each other trying to catch Mike by the leg and drag him home. We werent successful, but we may have to burn the pictures anyway. If Big Mike ever disappears, they could be considered evidence of an attempted theft. (Neither of us was really trying, he wont fit in anybodys yard and the excess baggage fees would have been outrageous.) Dad has been eating out a lot this week. We kidnapped him an hour before lunch at the nursing home and treated him to lasagna and the house salad at The Olive Garden before taking him to the museum. The service and food was great; and if you ask my dad, so was the scenery. I had to scold him for ogling the pretty legs of a couple of young girls in shorts we used to call hot pants because of how short they were. My father never did things like that when he was young enough to chase women. I guess this is the dirty old man version of Alzheimers disease. Hes not losing his mind, just his good manners. LOL Its been great visiting with my family, but like all good things and fish, a guest starts to stink after 5 days. Saturday I will be heading home, and while I will miss everyone, I also miss being home. And how can my family miss me if I dont go away? Its really been good spending time with everyone. My sister-in-law always cracks up at the way we terrorize each other and walk away laughing. Its like being a kid again, only better. No matter how grown up we are, there is a part of each of that will see the others in our family as the kids we once were. We have a history together.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 04:24:02 +0000

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