Its been a few days without a substantial update, so here goes. - TopicsExpress


Its been a few days without a substantial update, so here goes. Ians breathing tube was removed on Wednesday, and he has been doing pretty well without it. He has been breathing on his own with just positive pressure to make sure his lungs stay open. He was having a really strong day yesterday, until Alicia Smith pointed out that his fingertips were turning dark purple, and they realized that they had placed a line in his artery that should have gone in a vein, thus cutting off circulation to his extremities. So they had to pull that out and replace a pic line in his foot. That was a long, sterile procedure that could have potentially stressed him to the point of crashing and really set us back, but he handled it like a boss and bounced right back. Last night, to free up a bed, they moved him from the PCICU (peds cardiac ICU) to the regular PICU. Hes been having a really good day here. Hes been very awake and cute, and has stayed pretty calm all day despite the discontinuation of his sedatives, and the methodone and ketamine that they were using to wean him off his hardcore narcotics. Our biggest concern today, strangely, has been monitoring symptoms of withdrawal. Theyre also starting him back on actual feeds through a nasal-duodenal tube. They will be moving him back to the PCICU tonight or tomorrow. But overall it feels like hes making good progress despite taking some steps back.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 20:17:37 +0000

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