Its been a long while since some wild trolls and religitards - TopicsExpress


Its been a long while since some wild trolls and religitards bombarded my inbox with their usual inane melodrama. Some of them vanished, and I appreciate their kind disappearance. But recently, it seems new ones have sniffed their way back. Wherever they came from, their skydaddy knows. But please! I want to humbly advice that I am not a nice person to people who infringe my equanimity. Please dont come up to my inbox and squirt your obtuseness on me. Ill surprise you with the feelings Ill give to you. I am yet to acquire the highly virtuous gift of embracing stupor. It is just beyond my luxury, I cant afford it, and its necessary you know, because when next you come at me with battiness, youll be greeted by a gross receptionist. Dont come at me with your silly rhetorical questions like If there is no God then why is the bible written? If the bible is man-made then why are those places mentioned still here on earth? If there is no God, how come many people believe the bible?, Dont you know that even scientists have proven the existence of God? etc. If there is no Harry Potter, why is there a novel? If Harry Potter is just a fiction, how come some of those places mentioned are real life places and the characters answer real life names? If Harry Potter is just a fiction, how come so many people buy it and it becomes the best selling of novels? If Zeus and the Greek band is false, how come the constellations are named to suit the Greek stories? Dont you know that scientists have proven that I am the grandson of God and that there is an invisible vibrator in mount zion? Yes I know, you do not comprehend sarcasms so I might as well sing a lullaby to an owl. My mistake. And dont bother with your imaginary fears and threats, Ive had a lot of them and they now make me yawn. A colleague of yours once told me that skydaddy will kill me under 7days unless I join the imaginary sky gang. Another prayed in my inbox that if he is a man of God, let fire come down from heaven and burn my eyes as I read his joke, sorry prayers. That was last year, I understand that skydaddy was having a nap when his buddie uttered the prayers, so I pass. I also understand that like a man, like his God. However, it is not my fault that youre a doltish nut. Neither am I responsible for your imbecility, so dont come at me with it, cos I wont accommodate you. If there is God, ask him why he made you stupid before you convince yourself that youre doing some celestial service. Please stay out of my inbox with your shallowness, it is not my doing. End of rant..
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 08:42:41 +0000

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