Its been a quite experience to read about the birth of the - TopicsExpress


Its been a quite experience to read about the birth of the American empire in Richard Raznikovs News From A Parallel World while witnessing the real time imperial iron grips on the mainstream media, elected officials and the minds of many tightening to ensure its crumbling authority and legitimacy over issues in Gaza, Ukraine and etc. Here is a short excerpt from the book: the FBI, when it wasnt wiretapping RFKs rooms in Atlantic City, was still pawing through southern swamp land for traces of the three missing civil rights workers, and it wasnt until six weeks had passed and all the balloons had deflated and Humphrey was getting used to his gelding that the tortured and mutilated bodies of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner were discovered in an earthen dam in Mississippi. Id remembered. Its not that these killings were especially noteworthy given the Negro experience in the American South for, roughly, two hundred years; but Goodman and Schwerner had been white kids, and suddenly the Ku Klux Klan, the inbred offspring of Reconstruction, had enlarged the sensitivities of northern white liberals whod formerly been able to think that this sort of shit had nothing whatever to do with them. The day the bodies were found, Johnson announced that he would pre-empt regular programming for a special address to the nation and, like fifty million other Americans, Id expected him to exploit the occasion for a fatherly, vote-grabbing speech on civil rights, but when he turned up on all three networks that evening he had something else in mind. North Vietnamese ships had fired on an American vessel, he said, in international waters, in a place called the Gulf of Tonkin. As considerable evidence would later prove, the attack was staged for the purpose of fooling the American public. And before you could say collateral damage, the Congress, with the exception of two Senators, Wayne Morse and Ernest Gruening, pitched the Constitutions separation of powers into the ash heap and signed death warrants on fifty thousand American boys. Please check out how the current administration has been doing on the downed Malaysian airplane over Ukraine:
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 18:12:29 +0000

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