Its been a strange couple of days for me, Hoping that maybe - TopicsExpress


Its been a strange couple of days for me, Hoping that maybe someones made a mistake. The past few years have been really tough for Scott, Michelle Macritchie and me and all dealt with it in different ways. Scotts made some mistakes and poor decisions along the way but show me a man who hasnt. Growing up I spent most weekends at my Nans, Scott was never very social at home, spent most of his time Nursing hangover.... :-). My earliest memory of him is when he passed his driving test, He got a little red Mini. He took me for a spin around St Johns for me that was coolest thing ever I loved it.... I also remember the day he crashed it it wasnt long at all after he got it, then he had a bump in Nans car on Cowdray avenue and drove off the morning after the night before...I always looked forward to seeing him even if he did just grumble Alright mate then wander back up stairs with a coffee. most Friday evenings hed take me over Severalls and have a kick about, growing up I never really had a figure to look up to but he was definatly the older cool uncle he may not of enjoyed an annoying little nephew pestering him with a football and giving in but he did and hed always take me out to play. when ever I got a new pair of trainers or boots Id always go in a show Scott. Silly little things like that really stick out in my mind. Every Saturday afternoon Nan would phone my mum and arrange for me to be picked up to go over to Boxted to Watch Scott play, Id stand on the sidelines wait for the teams to come out Scott would always say Alright mate in the same tone and manner he greeted everyone. Id watch for a bit and have a kick about in the 5 a side goals behind the pitch these memories and images still clear as day in my mind, I looked up to him as a player to me he was the best I was a young lad and I wanted to play like him. Well.... That never really worked out so well skip that bit :-) as I got to my teenage years Id watch him over the Gas and always at the Fowler cup, will never forget the time he won it. A few years ago I got to the Semi final we lost 1-0 Nan and Scott were there I was so gutted and I could see Scott and nan were to he put his arm around me and Said unlucky mate would loved for them to have watched me play in the Final but just wasnt to be, Scott, Nan and Mum would have been proud. As your all aware we lost my mum a few years ago, This was tough for all of us, the thing with Scott was he never showed any emotion, not from what I ever seen anyway, I always seen as hed keep himself to himself and deal with things on his own and in his own way, the last week or so of my mums life he was by our sides and my mums side, it was a big comfort for me personally to have him there with me, It was probably the most time we spent together and the most we talked, mostly about his little business ideas he had which kept the mood upbeat because to be honest they made me laugh inside, whilst trying to keep a straight face. Ill spare the details but my mum had drifted into a coma and was unresponsive,ready to sleep but I remember clear as day Scott got up and walked across the room and her eyes followed him, he meant the world to Mum and she would have been so proud of him for being there for me and Michelle and Nan, we were all there together my poor nan bless her watching her Daughter, we had a tough time. After mum passed me and Scott would occasionally see each other hed pop overs Id pop over and see him but not often, maybe the odd text to see how he was, I moved away and started new beginnings and Scott moved away, the last time I see him was Nans funeral. I never really new how low and how he was feeling especially after Nan passing was very hard for him. I dont know the ins and outs, they are irrelevant now, But my sister Michelle and My Brother in law were a huge help to him the past year or so, they never turned theyre back on him really tried theyre hardest to help him and Id just like to say how much of a caring sister and brother in law I have because not many would have put up and carried on helping him, again I will spare the details but it was very tough for Michelle. Me and Scott are Blessed to have you and Macca, you put us before anything, it gave me comfort knowing that Michelle received a text from Scott just recently saying that he was happy, thats a revelation because he really was not in a happy place and I can only think that Michelle and Macca and theyre perseverance with helping him got him to where he was at. The main things growing up and knowing Scott for me were His friends, Drinking, and Football, and you just have to read the great stories everyone has been sharing to see that. He really did live for the weekends and most of all his friends I say friends more like Family to him , and what a great bunch you all are he couldnt have asked for better, Thank you for all the messages, pictures and stories please keep them coming they have made me laugh and brought a tear to my eye. And spare a thought for Lucy, Ben and Erin also at this tough time I cant imagine how the kids will be feeling as they are such a young age and to Lucy because I couldnt imagine how tough it was/is for her having to tell the Children and help them recover from this. And His Partner Emma ho made him a happy man for the past 6 months...... Rest in peace Uncle Scott
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 07:27:40 +0000

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