Its been a tough couple of days. I feel decidedly run down; FB - TopicsExpress


Its been a tough couple of days. I feel decidedly run down; FB censorship is tightening its grip ever further. Much as I try not to let this bother me, when you spend a good few hours writing a piece it becomes rather soul-destroying when so few people get to see it. But how would you feel if a person you block gets hold of one of your friends, who just happens to be colored, telling my friend Im a fan of the KKK? Naturally, my friend sent me message. Reading it made my blood boil. Eventually we managed to resolve the situation but I still felt aggrieved because I shouldnt have to waste my time assuring anyone theres not a racist bone in my body when the very people Im trying to expose are the greatest racists on the planet! Then today a good friend Mia Manners advised one of her friends, Jay Strongman, that if he wanted to learn more about what Zionists are really up to, to take a look at my wall. This is what he wrote - just glanced through his page - Holocaust denial, evil Jews , anti-Israel - it reads like a copy of Der Sturmer. The idea that some weird, evil Jewish cabal controls the world is what lead to the Holocaust. Not sure how or when environmentalism got tangled up in anti-Semitism. - I couldnt believe it! What bothers me more than anything, as much as it hurts to say, here was an educated man who cared about the planet, yet his analysis of what he thought of me defied logic. Strangely, just as I was mulling over this very conundrum, I received this clip which specifically details how the public is swayed & manipulated by the media so that eventually relatively intelligent folk are well & truly brainwashed. Case in point - why should this man dismiss me out of hand because I feel we were lied to about the Holocaust? Yet even though the 6 million figure has been officially revised down to 2 million, Im the one being judged! Yet it is unequivocal - not once in my life have I denied the Holocaust. Note the phrase Holocaust denial. I know there were Concentration camps; I know many Jews died but so did Poles & Czechs. We were told certain things that I felt didnt add up. The other day I explained it in simple terms - we all hear elaborate tales & the last line so often ..... and its all 100% true. Believe me...... Well? DO YOU? Of course you dont! If you dont care, you ignore it; if you do, you ask other people here & there & before long you realize the person who told you this story, at best likes exaggerating; at worst, likes telling porkies! Now inadvertently, what youve actually done is conduct research! You didnt take their word for it; you found out the truth yourself. I dare say Jay Strongman does this all the time. Only blithering idiots would take Sean Hannity or Bill OReillys word for anything!Yet when it comes to the Holocaust its like the brain shutters come thundering down! And of course I will bet my bottom dollar that this man who was so quick to judge me as a racist, has NEVER conduct any meaningful research on the Holocaust! But it gets worse! Evil Jews. Okay Ill admit Im anti Israel & to be perfectly frank, anyone who isnt condones the systematic slaughter of innocent civilians. I dont care if youre brainless or youve been brainwashed - if you support Israel, you are supporting the most vile brutal regime on this planet by a proverbial mile & I say SHAME ON YOU! Moreover, there is no bias attached because if my own people the Armenians behaved in the same appalling manner, my criticism would be ever bit as vociferous. But evil Jews? Once again he accused me of something Ive never said. Whats more, I actually think Jews are the victims! Just how Zionists have stolen Palestinian land, theyve usurped Judaism. Moreover, had Mr Strongman bothered to conduct just a little research, in no time hed discover the Ashkenazi Zionists are from Khazaria, which is now a region of Georgia. In other words, every single Israeli Prime Minister has never possessed one drop of Semetic blood. Of course this renders the final coup de gras of my wall being anti- Semetic so ludicrous it beggars belief. The irony of ironies is a quote from Rabbi Weiss - the greatest cause of anti-Semetism is Zionism! This clip goes a long way in showing how the Zionist media control doesnt simply offer a horrendously one-sided view - their methods have been fine-tuned so that anyone daring to question the official narrative, which just happens to be the Zionist agenda, is portrayed in the worst possible light. Hannity actually sinks to a level befitting a sewer rat for he accuses Dr. Kevin Barrett, an academic of poisoning peoples minds. I mean if ever there was a case of the pot calling the kettle it is! Thanks to Dave Amaral for the clip.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 17:05:45 +0000

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