Its been a tough couple of days. It always sucks losing family, - TopicsExpress


Its been a tough couple of days. It always sucks losing family, especially close family. I couldnt have asked for a better father-in-law. He was caring, generous, welcoming and extremely helpful (despite the fact that he called me Brad the first weekend we met). It still feels like it isnt real. Im not going to be getting random texts about Minnesota sports teams. No more texts for football updates or news on Sundays in the fall. All of my feelings pale in comparison to what everyone else is going through. I feel horribly for my children. Isaiah and Judah, while distraught, are too young to fully understand what is going on, and wont have much in the way of cognitive memories of the time that they spent with their Pops. At this age, the memories will fade and they will only have the pictures. I feel even worse for Nathaniel. He idolized his grandfather and was attached at his hip whenever given the chance. He completely broke down the other night. I feel for Dawn, Bobbi, Cynthia, Alex, Max, Joanna, Sharon and Ed (and any other family that I might be forgetting). I only knew him for 10 years; You were fortunate enough to spend a lifetime with him. Its never easy and always seems like youre so alone, no matter who else is there with you. I feel the worst for my wife. I cant even begin to understand what youre going through, nor do I want to find out. Im so sorry and feel so incredibly helpless. I wish I could fix the pain that youre experiencing or take it all for you. All I can say is that Im sure that your father is extremely proud of the woman, wife and mother that youve grown in to. I love you so much. Too everyone who is Facebook friends with the both of us, thanks for the kind thoughts or well-wishes, but Id appreciate it greatly if you waited a bit or held off on sending her the comments. Shes going through a lot and trying to brave it all and stay strong, but its overwhelming enough on its own. The constant reminders, phone calls, comments, etc. are extremely nice and shes been happy about all of the support, but having to continuously give details or talk to people about the situation are wearing her thin. Im sorry if that seems rude but I hope you can respect that she is exhausted and the seemingly constant reminders, while very well-intentioned, are becoming troublesome. If youd rather that I passed along a message, Id be happy to do so.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 00:42:41 +0000

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