Its been a tough month here at the Geminites household but were - TopicsExpress


Its been a tough month here at the Geminites household but were bouncing back! We lost Charley the other day. Poor little guy just couldnt hang on anymore. We tried and he knew love to the end. The remaining 3 are doing WONDERFULLY, even eating crunchies now! Growing like weeds, playing, learning to be kittens! They were out for awhile yesterday, exploring the room for the first time and it was so fun to watch them! Will let them out for awhile again later today, too. Wont be long and theyll be up for adoption! They are THRIVING!! Gma has been very under the weather for the last few days and could use some purrayers. She has a bad infection and its taking awhile to get her back up and going again. She NEVER gets sick! So thats been a big worry! I dont think Ive had a good nights sleep in a few nights now. Just going thru one of my insomnia phases. Hate when that happens! Just too much going on and too much stress over the last month. As I said, tho, were bouncing back! Things are calmed down and getting back into a good rhythm. Last night, the cats tried to crowd me out of the bed all night long. Its nice of them to give me a small space to sleep! Then they woke up bright and early and started chasing each other and fighting and carrying on like usual. Stewie and Gemini both being little bullies!! They both want to jump the others for no reason when they arent looking! BAD kitties!! Zeb just wants to get into everything all the time or lay right up on my head when he wants a nap! He knows how to push my buttons, then get really sweet when he goes over the edge! MOL! Time to go get PetsMart done and pick up some cat food. Then one cat to pick up from the vet, home to get a bit done, down to Gmas to help get stuff done down there and MAYBE a nap this afternoon! Been enjoying a little rain the last few hours and it keeps me just wanting to take a nap! Too much to do this morning, tho. Hope every pawdy has a great day today!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 14:06:02 +0000

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