Its been a very emotional day and a very busy one. I havent had a - TopicsExpress


Its been a very emotional day and a very busy one. I havent had a chance to read all of the comments on my different posts but many of you are saying that I have a big heart and am a good person for taking the time to help Crystal and others. I want to say thank you for your kind words. Sometimes I bite off more than I can chew and sometimes I can wear myself out trying to help other people. But, I could never sit back and see someone who needs help and not try. I dont have money to give so I give my time. There have been times in the past where I was asked to help with a fundraiser or a benefit but had to decline simply because I didnt have the time then to do so. But Ive found that if I get the ball rolling that many others are more than willing to help out too. Sometimes it just takes that first person willing to step up and take charge. Whether youre that first person or one of the ones who help them, it all makes a difference in someones life who really needs it. Never feel like you cant make a difference. Your first step may lead to hundreds of others to make a step too and pretty soon all those steps can make a huge difference. Ok, this post is seriously too long and Ive already had a very long post today and Im beginning to ramble and maybe even sound like a cheesy motivational speaker. Yikes. Anyway, just wanted to say thank you all.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 00:43:16 +0000

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