Its been a while since I put my thoughts down on here and since Im - TopicsExpress


Its been a while since I put my thoughts down on here and since Im short on time....I wont blog....Ill just post it here....brace yourself! :) Its so amazing how in 2 months your life can completely change. For the past 5 years I have SEARCHED for something to help me feel alive again....I dont mean to help me feel like living....I am an upbeat person by nature so I wasnt that down, but I didnt have the energy, gumption, confidence, or the will to do much for myself at all. I was basically sitting idly by letting the best years of my life pass me by....mustering up enough energy each day to drag myself through it (you most likely know the feeling). I KNOW how to lose 41 years old if you dont know how to do that then you are either going through a hard reality that the rest of us have dealt with all of our lives or you dont pay attention. Its all about more calories out than what you take in. You must work at doesnt happen easily and there is no magic pill or surgery that will make it happen and keep it off. I KNOW ALL ABOUT THAT! So, I battled with self-doubt, maybe even mild depression, and a heck of a lot of denial when it came to my weight and the shape of my body (or lack thereof) husband loves me know matter what, right?! Hoodies look good on anyone and the fact that I have smaller hips allowed me to keep living in this state of denial.....UNTIL Thrive discovered me. I was resistant to this took 2 sample packs to finally wake me up and get rid of this bad attitude that I had developed towards health/wellness products (and towards myself - gasp). Im happy to say that once I shed all the stigmas, got rid of the negatives, and truly allowed myself to experience was like a switch was flipped on. I cant begin to tell you how thankful I am every moment for this product. The fact that I talk of little else is proof that I BELIEVE in it....that I LIVE it, BREATHE it, and I HOPE to help others because I know there are a ton of people out there just like me.....waiting for that one thing to come along that will change their lives. If you cant even muster up the courage to try it....and try it as it is meant to be taken....then nobody can help you. Its sad to think that there are lots of folks out there like that....I know because I was one of them.....I implore you to put aside the boundaries...the it wont works....the its too expensives...the Im sick of seeing this on Facebooks and realize that you are seeing it everywhere BECAUSE IT WORKS!!!! That I, among thousands of others, have drank the Thrive kool-aid and you know what.......I am SO DAMN happy about it that I ooze Thriveness......I cant be stopped.....I love to talk about it.....I hope everyone who tries it will realize the fountain of youth that they just stumbled upon.....but, alas I know that will not happen....because we are humans.....and we always have excuses if we havent found our true calling (sad that it is). So folks.....I will leave it at that....not a sermon or anything, just a testament to what makes me tick....actually no.....THRIVE is what makes me THRIVE and not just SURVIVE every day of my my soapbox I go! Oh yeah, if you want to try it...if you are brave, want a positive change, and care about your well-being....message me. Im glad to share this awesomeness with you all!
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 21:24:39 +0000

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