Its been a while since weve gone over an actual survival exercise - TopicsExpress


Its been a while since weve gone over an actual survival exercise here at Mother Base, so today class, seeing as weve made our home on a series of oil rigs, were going to be learning how to save someone who is actively drowning. Do I have any volunteers? No? Alright then, I guess well just run over some hypotheticals. Step 1: Assess the Situation Nothing is worse than having two people in the water if the first person wasnt in trouble to begin with. As long as the person is making forward progress, is within a reasonable distance of safety, is not in a state of excess fatigue, and isnt floating face down, then theyll probably be okay without your help. If however it is apparent that they are in serious danger move on to step 2. Step 2: Shout for Help No matter if youre Steve Phelps or a blue mutant hedgehog, always try to get more help when trying to perform a water rescue of any sort. Without backup someone elses tragedy can quickly become your own. Step 3: Use your Head When youve assessed the situation you should have taken note of the persons position in the water, and if there were any tools available nearby capable of aiding you such as ropes, buoyant objects, paddles, poles, nets, basically anything that will enable you to pull the victim in without you yourself going into the water. Diving in yourself should always be a last resort, and except for in extreme emergencies should only be attempted by strong swimmers who have trained for such things. Step 4: Proceed with Rescue Once you have quickly put all the pieces together enact your plan and follow through with it. Although you should be absolutely certain about what course of action your merry band of rescuers is taking, dont dawdle. Lives depend on you.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 02:51:28 +0000

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