Its been a wonderful Thanksgiving break. We were got to have a - TopicsExpress


Its been a wonderful Thanksgiving break. We were got to have a wonderful Thanksgiving meal at Dawn Sears home. So nice to see the girls and their girls! We got to try the Mac and Cheese that Brendan and Maria brought. Shawns mom made her famous mashed potatoes. She also brought 3 different pies she had made. So yummy. Watching Shawn, Timmy and Josh together was bittersweet, with Stephan and Bobby gone. It was good to be surrounded by Saunders folk. After that we went to Mom and Dads. Dad, Mom and I got to eat Moms pumpkin pie with whipped cream. Shawn and Jen ate ice cream and chocolate syrup-they really dont like pumpkin pie! We had a great time visiting and catching up. Shawn went outside to stand on the deck and saw someone getting into my dads vehicle hauling trailer. So he went quickly limping out the front door, without his cane. Jen went limping out after him. I couldnt get my shoes on fast enough, so I went out in stocking feet with Shawns cane. I figured one of us could get the guy down and I could hit him with the cane. Of course mom came after us to make sure everything was alright. Shawn may not be as fast as he used to be, but he still has a mean yell. The kid ran down the hill into the cul de sac. I was going after him, but Shawn told me to come back. So Shawn and Dad got the padlocks out and locked up the trailer. Not much inside, but better safe than sorry. I spent a few hours outside digging potatoes (wishing Id dug them all when the weather was dry) and making a new shelter for the rams during our horrible rain. They have been chasing the horse out of her shelter. Im not ready to give up my brussels sprouts, carrots and potatoes, so the little pen is still a garden. It took longer than Id expected. So I was out working in the rain and dark when Shawn and Paul got back. Shawn panicked when he couldnt find me in the house. He was shining the big floodlight all over the pasture, but I was in the back pasture and he couldnt hear me yelling. I thought he heard me, so I just kept working. When he went to the side gate I wondered why he wasnt bringing the light to me. I yelled again and thats when he knew I was ok. It was nice to have the extra light to finish up with. My shelters may not be pretty, but they are functional. Ive found its just not worth trying to explain to the guys about what I want, so I just wait for them to leave, then I can do it my own way. Then I finished getting wood and made a nice fire in the stove. I was soaked through my jacket from the rain. So I had to leave my soaking wet jacket on the porch. Yesterday Shawn and I got a bunch of stuff to take to the Goodwill. Now Pauls old bedroom is cleaned out. Then we went out to the garage and found a bunch of stuff that wed set aside to take this summer. I added some more items and now the truck is full. Then we found some old boxes and I made a bonfire to burn the old blackberry vines that I trimmed last month. Whenever Im outside, I always find something to do. I had to hook up the hose and give water to the animals and spread some straw over the mud. I brought a few loads of wood to the house. Then had to haul straw down for the rams. It was dark again when I got inside. I was thinking my arms and legs were getting cold, but didnt realize that it was down to 25. So even though the house was 62, it felt really good. Of course, Ive slowly been working on report cards over the weekend. Still working on comments though. We are having our turkey today. I got the onions and celery cooked and the seasoning made, so Shawn tore up the bread and added the broth and the stuffing is done. Next, I made sure the turkey was ready and put it in the oven, so Shawn is in charge of it. Elise is going to make the green bean casserole and Ill make the mashed potatoes. No rolls this time, but I think we have enough carbs!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 21:54:33 +0000

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