Its been almost a year since I decided to incorporate Young Living - TopicsExpress


Its been almost a year since I decided to incorporate Young Living essential oils and wellness products in home and in my massage practice. At the time I my wrists and thumbs were in constant pain from massaging for 8 years. I got the Premium Starter Kit and immediately started using PanAway and peppermint essential oils. Within a few weeks my wrists and hands were pain free and the issue NEVER came back. Im now able to provide massage sessions more than I ever had and actually out grew my home business and moved to ShopTalk. Im so excited and have experienced SO many benefits from these oils that I cant help but want to share. Many people have different opinions about network marketing and having been part of different companies I wasnt really interested in selling anything. So I didnt. For over a year Ive been sharing my experience and in return I have met some of the most amazing inspiring people who have poured so much of themselves into my life. I have grown a home based business with over 100 people in my organization that I am dedicated to serve and grow with. I truly love and believe in this industry. Its people helping people. And Im so glad my heart was open to see the opportunity. I cant say enough about how much my life has changed in the past year. But I know I havent even scratched the surface of what is in store. This next year I have a much better understanding of what Im doing and a clearer picture as to where Im going. This has never been a better time then to be part of the wellness revolution. Thank you Rob Ridpath Alina Piccone Heather Henderson Jennifer Howe Narkiewicz Michele Bowman Rick Bowman Ashley Brust Samantha Marie Joshua and all my Young Living family. ♡♡♡♡♡ You all inspire me everyday to not settle but dare me to dream bigger and go after my hearts desire everyday. Which is to live with Purpose Power Health and Prosperity! Wahoo. See you at the top.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 18:39:25 +0000

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