Its been almost six months since returning home from South - TopicsExpress


Its been almost six months since returning home from South America. A truly unforgettable trip that took Cardi Mobley and I threw 4 countries and countless learning experiences. The transition home has been a difficult one, at least it has for me. We went from spending 6 incredible months side by side to almost 6 months with hardly any contact with one another. We took thousands of pictures together documenting our journey, some of which have been posted on FB (Operation Andes) so that our friend and family alike could enjoy. Those few picture you all see are all I have to show for our travels. We grew tremendously as individuals but at the same time, unfortunately grew apart. Im sure one day we will be able to come together again rekindle our friendship and share with each other the things we learned during our time, as well as receive the photos I feel I desperately deserve. I cant help but feel as if it was a one sided trip. That all I got to take from it aside from the memories is a feeling of disappointment. Some would argue its the memories that truly matter in life, but I still would love to share/show my friends and family the amazing things that we were so lucky to experience. And still as the days go by I cant help but feel that maybe some of the stories have faded away. That maybe a photo or video will reignite those that are lost. A break up is never easy but I always felt we had something more than just our relationship, that we were dear friends in our confidence in each other. After all we did rely on each other for many many different things during our trek in foreign lands. Having said all that I do have to say that I am more than honored to know and share this experience this with Cardi. She is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. She has the amazing ability to leave everyone she meets with an everlasting smile. She is always there with a loving compliment and a pick-me-up that somehow gave me confidence to continue on. Something that only my mother has been able to do otherwise. She was my translator, my girlfriend, travel partner, travel planner, confidant and most of all my dearest friend. A special thanks needs to be given to her. After all without her I dont think I would have ever made this journey let alone come back alive. Everyone that has had the pleasure in knowing her will agree she is truly a beautiful person. As for the amazing people we encountered along the way, you all will be forever engraved in my memorys. I learned so much about life and human kindness that in a big way restored my opinion on the matter. Life is so short and it has the tendency to slip us by. For me, my life has been nothing more than chapters in a book, always changing yet still following something of a path that allows me to continuously learn and grow. I wish I could mention every single person and place that influenced me but I would endlessly ramble on and on. For everyone that we had the pleasure to meet along the way, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I only hope that one day our paths will cross again. You are all fantastic people in your own right and dear friends to me. Thank you again for everything you have taught/shown me. So we now find ourselves rounding a year since departure. Memorys spark electrons in my brain bringing me to tears wishing I was back. If anything it has opened my mind to a place that resembles a true account for life. A place that we could all call home. I hope everyone gets the opportunity to travel, to escape the comfort zone we create. To experience the true account of life and to see threw the vail that renders us paralyzed to the place we call home. So find your path and open your eyes and your mind will follow. After all Its a big ball of dirt, go dig in it!!! Matt Fouche: love life
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 04:47:16 +0000

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