Its been awhile since I posted what is really in my heart, I have - TopicsExpress


Its been awhile since I posted what is really in my heart, I have posted about my creativity and being thankful for it. Posted about my classes but for the most part have not been as personal as I have been in the past. I feel we go through stages where we have the need to speak out loud and then there times when must be silent. During those times of silence I believe is when we grow, we learn to listen and hopefully we learn from are mistakes. The human side of us has a tendency to beat ourselves up. Our spiritual side no matter what your faith always presents itself if we choose to see it. The spirit is of our Lord is always with us, in our thoughts, in our hearts but he does not demand our love. He simply offers a better, more complete love than we ever known in our human existence. It is a a quiet love, a peaceful love, a love of promise and a love that will not harm us. The Devil however knocks loud and demands that you blame others, he convinces us that we are perfect and that we deserve to have what we want even if we hurt someone to get it. He is a liar, a thief... Hes the manipulator above all others. He is the negative earthly side of us all. He does not care if we are unhappy, miserable or lost. He wants you to believe that hope is a lie. Know this...Hope is not a lie, it is very real! The life we dream of is here for us if we just humbly seek it. By no means is this peaceful, priceless love easy to achieve, but it is there for us all... No matter who you are or what you have done. The Devil would have you to believe that giving in to our insecurities, our inner demons, our weaknesses and our selfish motives is the only option we have. Again this is a lie! It is easy to give in to all of those things. It is a much more difficult choice to be of God, to be unselfish. It is hard to accept the path of love, to believe that you deserve the wonders God. If it were easy we all would be happy. Happiness, love, hope, giving and patience is a choice, God created us with free will and the Devil has been trying to convince us otherwise since he was cast out of the heavens. When people say things behind our backs, try to knock you down and tear your belief from your soul. Try to show them love, show them a better way. Rise above the pain and be of God. The Devil only has power over you if you/we give him power. Make a choice to love, to be more than you believe you are, have faith that our creator he knows you better than you know yourself. Mornings are my time, it is when my head is clear, my heart at it purest. It is a quiet time, a moment when I can feel the soft touch of Gods hand. It is a time when I dont judge myself or judged others. It is a gift, a moment that God can reach me before the Devil starts his campaign to make you believe in self pity, and that others are to blame. I write to all that wish to read it, not as a man who has it together or has figured out. Truth is I struggle just like the next person, Im so far from being the person that I feel God intended me to be. I believe, I have faith that everything I have went through in this life was for a reason, that a lot of what has happened to me is because of the choices I have made. Beauty of it all, God may watch as we tear our selfs down, as we break, as we are stripped of our earthly wants and needs. For some of us this is the only time we can be reached. During those times when we feel broken, week and hopeless God can take someone as flawed as me and show me the way, to answer that soft quiet call that God places in our hearts. This is where it gets tough. When we are out of the deep end we feel comfortable and then start to loose site of who saved us. This is the time when we must focus all on God. Faith is an allusive gift much like building muscle or working out. If you dont exercise then you cannot build the muscle. Faith is what we eat if we want to grow, if we fill our bodies with unhealthy food, we become unhealthy and grow in ways we dont want. If we place healthy food in our bodies we grow in healthy ways, it then becomes fuel for us to travel to much more healthy and loving place. If we put out negative energy then negativity will be our normal and we will forever be consumed with all that is wrong to the point we cant see the beauty in our selfs. Writing this helps me to seek that love, to say it out loud helps me to be accountable. For those of you that wish to read this, then you were meant to and I was meant to write it. Be thankful for all you have, Give thanks every moment you can today, dont worry about the next person or what they say. Pray for them, yourself and all those who are dear to you. We are in a War for our faith, our love and our very souls! Its a war we can win because we have God. Lord show us the way, help us to understand that we dont always have to understand, help all of us to have Faith in your light. We are listening... Teach us, use us, humble us and please help us to live as examples of your love.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 12:52:07 +0000

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