Its been interesting following the events in Hong Kong over the - TopicsExpress


Its been interesting following the events in Hong Kong over the past fews day, which have a direct bearing on life in Taiwan, present and future. RIght now our hopes and aspirations for the future in are in the hands of Hong Kongers and we offer them the strongest possible support. Its been interesting to note that police repression in Hong Kong is definitely a notch higher than what it is in Taiwan - though nothing compared to what we see in the US, with or with out protest - and the big question is how far will it go. We all know whats taken place in China in recent history and naturally thats a shadow hanging over us all, which is why those sorts of actions take place in the first place, as a strong deterrent. I dont think China can afford a blood bath. It would cause so much damage to Chinas brand, which what things are about in general. Theres such a heavy level of denialism in the west there that i think you can actually get away with more blood there - in the US anyway - but China has worked so hard to improve its image over the past few decades. A bloodbath would be a monumental setback, and there are so many other control mechanisms to explore which work so well in the west. Weve seen how a country like New Zealand can be completely taken over without a drop of blood, and much of the population is luvin it. It wont be so simple over here, but these techniques and processes are under way and are effective. But the long-winded point im trying to make is that I think Taiwan and Hong Kong actually have quite a bit of leverage in this situation. So far the Sunflower Movement and Occupy Central appear to have more flexibility and stickability than Occupy Wall Street. What has happened and is happening in Taiwan is particularly innovative. This struggle wont be ending any time soon. But ive drawn one important conclusion from what is taking place in the west. In the west people seem to think that if i kow tow to power and dont disrupt it, then power will go easy on me. But power never stops and is never satisfied. It does not to stop its march or its process of extraction until it meets sufficient points of resistance. Another point thats worth mentioning here is that whats taking place in Hong Kong and Taiwan has largely been seen by the west as Chinese aggression and expansion. To a degree that is true. But from their perspective, i would imagine it is likely seen as being just as much defensive. Taiwan lifted itself out of martial law to become a democracy and the spirit is catching on in Hong Kong, that most capitalist of cities - akin structurally to places like Singapore or New Zealand, i.e streamlined capitalism. China has it so good (for now). There is a hugely expanding middle class and so many of the new wealthy Chinese become educated in the west where they learn about the values and radical ideas of equality in the west from the past, only take them more seriously than people of the west in the present. At any rate, the future is up for grabs and it will only be good if we if we make it good. A positive future will not be handed to us. I am an amateur observer who offers my thoughts for free, but I do find these times stimulating and exciting to be alive in.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 03:00:39 +0000

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