Its been one year ago today that Chris and I first child together - TopicsExpress


Its been one year ago today that Chris and I first child together was born with wings. There is a void within me that will never be filled. Miscarriage is something that alot of people just dont understand or had rather not talk about. Heres our story. I have days that are worse than others you see I have 3 angel babies I have peace in knowing one day ill be able to reunite with each of my sweet little ones. Chris and I found out we were expecting the first of October 2013 we were on cloud nine however knowing I had lost two babies in my early twenties we decide to keep it hush hush until we were sure everything was ok we did tell the girls however and we each told one friend a piece lol we were about to bust at the seems we had to tell someone:) we had been to three OB appointments already had a ultrasound and baby Davis was doing great so we decided we would make the announcement to our families at our Christmas gatherings, and we did so by wrapping up balloons that said baby and attached was the announcement everyone was so truly happy. We were scheduled for another ultrasound on January 2nd 2014 we could hardly wait the girls were going to go with us to see the baby for the first time. I was full of a million emotions as a mother that had already lost 2 children I was nerves excited all at the same time I prayed endlessly. Then our ultrasound day came our appointment was at 2pm that afternoon. We went in sat in the waiting room the girls were beaming with excitement they started my ultrasound baby had grown since our last ultrasound but I didnt see a heartbeat I tried to be strong for a few minutes hoping just maybe I was wrong then Jody the ultrasound Technican turned off the tv she knew I knew she turned to me ask for my family and I to go to Dr Bowersocks office. At that moment I fell apart. How could this be I had done everything that the Doctors had wanted me to got on my medicine pregestrone to help me from lossing the baby. I was absolutely devastated not only was I heartbroken but my soulmate and my girls were to. We went in the next day on January 3rd for them to take our angel baby. God only truly knows my pain and with my faith in God I live day my day with peace knowing my baby was specially picked to be an angel ya see I gave God the most special gift a mother can give to her God and that was my angel baby. I know one day ill hold my precious babies for eternity until that day they will live on in my heart. God has blessed me with 3 healthy children and 3 that walk with me every step of every second of everyday. Happy Birthday in heaven Angel baby we love you. Love, Daddy, mommy, and all your family
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 13:17:21 +0000

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