Its been quite a week. So help me understand a few things. A - TopicsExpress


Its been quite a week. So help me understand a few things. A person sends you a friend request . After stalking them for a while and establishing they are a) real in the sense that they are not naija cons B) not people you owe money C) your exes wives /girlfriends/clandes/significant others ( these ones are crazy, I fall in at least one of the categories so I know) D) illuminati pastor Annes out to harvest your body parts E) that guy who once took you out for a date in a smoky shady joint and had the gall to ask you to do equal equal when the bill came... know what, the list goes on and on. Anyway you accept the request, you become friends and you sometimes give their boring updates a pity like coz they look so lonely out here in big bad social media world and youre a nice person. So even though that person is an insufferable ,self righteous idiot or just a dull , insignificant person who you dont really take much notice of , you dont unfriend them. Then one day, out of nowhere, you receive a request. Yet again. That person wants to be your friend . Wait. S/HE removed me?? When?? How long ago? How come i didnt notice? Why does s/he want to be my friend again then?check, Maybe its a new account. Nope . Same old. So what exactly is going on here? Now if this is not a mad person, who then is a mad person? These people join the list of people that make me do the sign of the crucifix as soon as I spot them.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 09:58:55 +0000

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