Its been quite some time since Ive written anything. Even now as I - TopicsExpress


Its been quite some time since Ive written anything. Even now as I type I find myself unable to find the words to express the many many thoughts racing through my mind. This past weekend was MIST. I cant believe its over. I want to preface this long rant by saying that all this serves first and foremost as a reminder to myself before anyone. You know in the past few years there are always those that have had negative comments about MIST. Whether its the way things are organized, or other complaints, I find that people love to find fault in anything and everything. And while many mistakes need to be addressed I feel that while discussing things that are negative in nature and attributing it to anyone, or thing we fail to realize the good in that person or thing. It is so easy to blame and case judgement upon another yet it is so much harder it seems for society to find good in anything. Hope is one thing in particular that seems to die all too easily once negativity about any specific thing comes to mind. Without hope for the future, and without seeing the little or large good something DOES have we as individuals and as a society fail to progress. The institutions we claim that have no merit are just discarded and cast aside in our thoughts. I think its good to be realistic and talk about problems but I think its important to not let those problems cause us to loose sight of whats really important or what anything or anyone is trying to achieve. If someone has doubts or fears we should always urge to help them and support them even if they are doing wrong, by guiding them towards the right direction. We have to give them hope,and we do so by sticking by their side and not giving up. Similarly in regards to MIST unfortunately all too many people had all but given up on the concept and purpose behind it. MIST is a community effort. Although it is an event that lasts only weekend a year, it is an event in which its participants, volunteers, and organizers work so hard to make. While I do believe there should be a standard for professionalism in any organization keep in mind that it is a goal that even if we are not there yet to some, it is something that many of us aspire towards. MIST to me is something so special. Many people focus on the intentions many students and volunteers go to MIST with. However its important to note that regardless of intent, when that many Muslims are together, when that many people work together hand in hand to create something powerful, we are that much stronger for it. And whatever purpose you have had upon entering, I find that some people leave with a renewed spirituality and maybe even a little bit more knowledge than they had prior to MIST. I think when even one student or person has found something meaningful and enlightening about his or her selves at MIST, then its all worth it. Its all worth it. Thats why I in particular participate in MIST. From the first year I joined to now, each and every year I feel that my values are further enriched by the many many incredible people that I am so blessed to have met the weekend of. I know many others feel the same way and share similar sentiments. Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah I had a chance to speak to so many competitors as I ran back and forth around campus and I have to say that so many of them were so excited to be there. I feel that this year was a strong step in the right direction and it was only possible because of the people that made it so. Salma Stoman organized such an incredible incredible event mashaAllah and both Aisha, Yusra, and Tareq were too amazing as well. There are so many shoutouts I want to do but I think I will just instead express my heartfelt love and affection for each and everyone one of the volunteers and organizers in person if and when I can do so. I do want to thank our team of amazing amazing heads Abdurrahman, Nusaiba, Matib, Hassan, Hira, Courtney, Maleeha, Sahar, Safia, Arusa, Najla, and Ibrahim. Thank you so much for your time and hard work in providing these children with such excellent judges, and professionalism. MIST would not have been as good without your amazing help. I apologize to anyone and if I said anything wrong or upset anyone over the weekend or the course of any of the meetings. Just know that it was not my intention and forgive me for my shortcomings the weekend of. Im sorry Ive overstepped anywhere that was not my place or said words in a harsh manner to anyone. InshaAllah I will try to work harder and learn from my mistakes first and foremost in the future to make MIST even more incredible. In conclusion to all of this I want to before dismissing anything and focusing only on the negative, I ask you to please consider the good something or someone provides and instead of reveling in the negativity please join and help that person or thing in becoming better. InshaAllah if everyone has this mentality in mind, and works hard to try to fix the problems they speak of, even a little bit, maybe, just maybe our ummah can progress even further united and forever faithful to one another and to Allah sbwt and the sunnah of the prophet Mohammad s.a.w. Ameen.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 07:32:27 +0000

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