Its been some time since I addressed some misconception about - TopicsExpress


Its been some time since I addressed some misconception about Brown County Animal Shelters Urgent Lists, so here we go again: 1. No, this is NOT an Attention Ploy or Queen-Size Drama. Its the real thing each and every time it happens. BCAS has a 32 kennel limit and when that is exceeded, a list must be released. I get messages telling me how mean we are and how we dont care. If only you knew how much we DO care. If only you knew how little we sleep, how often we panic, and how hard this is on each and every one of us devoted to the Shelter, the staff, and the dogs they house. 2. Please do not message me and tell me we shouldnt charge so much for adopting an Urgent Dog. Its $37.00, folks, and the dog is spayed or neutered and you get the 2014 County License which is transferable to other counties at no additional charge to you. We will never give you a dog for free. If you cant afford $37.00, you cannot afford to adequately provide for a dog during its lifetime. Period. 3. Some people actually sound upset when we do not euthanize dogs. We havent euthanuized for kennel space since approximately 2011, and we feel pretty good about that record. In fact, that record is what drives us all to keep sharing, networking, hoping and praying until literally the last second. We have had to let some dogs go. Dogs too ill, infirm, or dogs so mistreated by so-called humans that they cannot be safely adopted out. Those who were helped across the Bridge live in our hearts forever. We never forget them. Never. 4. Please dont call us names. Believe it or not, we have feelings, too. We are doing our best, and instead of attacking and accusing us, why dont you HELP?? We beg people to SHARE and network our dogs. You do not need to even make a comment, just hit the SHARE button. Channel your frustrations into the positive and let go of the negative. 5. Please do not post on a dogs thread that the dog needs saved. We already know that. Please dont promise to send in an application, come see a dog, etc, unless you intend to follow through. Raised, then dashed hopes do not help. Its take a Village, and we have a wonderful Village filled with caring and dedicated people. Instead of making our efforts more difficult, please join us. If you sincerely want to help, you will be welcomed with open and grateful arms. Thank you. A Village member
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 11:41:54 +0000

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