Its been two weeks since the three count heard round the world. - TopicsExpress


Its been two weeks since the three count heard round the world. Two bizarre and question-filled weeks since the Undertakers fabled WrestleMania Streak came to a crashing halt at the hands of the Beast Incarnate Brock Lesnar. And now that I have had these 14 days to digest, process and fully absorb what took place at WrestleMania XXX, I have come to the realization that Im not just sad about the Streaks untimely end; Im still mortified and pissed! Here are the top five reasons why the Streak should not have ended two weeks ago: 5) The timing simply didnt feel right because the buildup to the match wasnt nearly as epic as it should have been. I understand it was the biggest Mania ever, but the match itself required and deserved more of a setup. 4) Brock Lesnar is not deserving! I get that Undertaker is an old school traditionalist and never wanted the Streak to live forever (more on that later), but IF you had to end it, why do the deed for a part-time wrestler who simply did not need Streak Conqueror to cement his legacy? Freakish beast, former UFC champion and arguably the greatest amateur wrestler of all time werent enough to define Lesnar? Hes a part-time guy who has shown in the past that wrestling is not his top priority. So where does Brock go from here? What does this propel him towards? Another WWE title run? Big whoop! Hes already been there, conquered that. Ultimately you wasted your one big chip on a guy who has nothing left to prove or accomplish in pro wrestling and who simply didnt need the rub. 3) This is a continuation of No. 4: IF the Streak had to end it should have been to put over an up and coming star like Daniel Bryan, Roman Reigns or someone who you knew was in your long-term plans and who could have used it as springboard to future greatness. 2) Was this really how you wanted to kick off and debut the WWE Network PPV era? By ending the Streak? Did you see the audience reaction? It was the same in my living room. It wasnt just a look of shock and awe. It was a what the F#%*were they thinking look. Also, why have Taker lose and completely suck the life out of the building a mere few matches before the epic ending with Daniel Bryan? While the reaction for Bryans win was upbeat I get the feeling that place would have been completely nuts had they not had the life sucked out them an hour earlier. But instead you have Taker lose and nearly destroy the biggest moment in Daniel Bryans young life? Luckily the power of the YES Movement was strong enough to overcome the earlier sadness but just think of how much greater it could have been. It was like a celebration with an asterisk. 1) The Streak was never the Undertakers or WWEs to end. It belonged to me. It belonged to you. It belonged to everyone who comprises the WWE Universe. Thats not me being selfish. Its just a fact! The Streak was never about one man. It was about a collection of nerdy, dorky wrestling fans who had a connection to something that was so epic and surreal, despite the fact that wrestling is choreographed, scripted and fake. And thats the point! Wrestling is staged; its outcomes predetermined. It does not need to nor should it ever mimic real life. Yes, in real life all good things come to an end. In sports, men and women age, their skills corrode and they eventually retire, more often on a sad or losing note, their bodies faltering and giving way to Father Time and often the will of a younger, mightier opponent. But the rules of real life need not apply within the 20 x 20 confines of the squared circle. Its the one place where there are no rules. No fine line between fantasy and reality. Its the one place where the wildest and most unlikely outcomes are anticipated and celebrated. Vince McMahon once said in an interview that he knew what the WWE fans wanted better than they did. Most of the time hes been right. But when it came to allowing the Undertaker to end the Streak, he was dead wrong. Not because it was just plain bad for business, but because it was never theirs to end. RIP Streak!
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 13:28:55 +0000

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