Its called self doubt. It happens after experiencing abuse. Often - TopicsExpress


Its called self doubt. It happens after experiencing abuse. Often times the mind games and tactics followed by abuse makes victims begin to question their own perceptions and wonder is it the narcissist, can they be narcissistic, was it something they did or didnt do, and how can they move on towards a healthier relationship. So often victims will stay believing if they separate themselves from the abuser and quarantine themselves things will get better. Surely, you may be in a relationship but you must them ask yourself what type of relationship are you in? Is this how youd like to live? Do you want to live behind a mask in pretending everything is ok? Its not only unhealthy its not beneficial to your own needs. You deserve to have a loving, caring, nurturing relationship. You deserve to be happy. Involvement with a narcissist will never be able to fulfill a normal relationship in the sense that narcissist are incapable of providing unconditional love. They will simply mimic and mirror back to you what you wish them to be, what they think you want, and how they think they should behave in your presence. They may alter their behaviors but they will never permanently change unless they are willing to admit they need help. Narcissists are never remorseful they show no sympathy, they are not affected by those they leave behind and the trail of destruction that follows. healthyplace/blogs/verbalabuseinrelationships/2013/10/imagining-abuse-in-relationship/
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 00:59:21 +0000

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