Its come to my attention that some people think Im overdoing it - TopicsExpress


Its come to my attention that some people think Im overdoing it when it comes to grieving Leon bc we didnt date for long. Let me just put this out there. First of all, youre right. No, we didnt date for very long, unfortunately. But are you implying that the only part of my time with Leon thats worth grieving is the part where I could call him my boyfriend? What about the other year and however many months we spent as best friends? What about the week vacation we spent together in Florida, or the matching tattoos we got last February? What about all those nights he walked to my house and we walked and talked until the sun came up? What about the countless weekends we spent together at my sisters, falling asleep and waking up to each other and slow dancing in the kitchen while he made dinner? What about the times he held my hand through tattoo sessions and went on family trips and events with me? How about the time he spent with my family even when I wasnt around, the bond he built with my niece? (She surely does love her Eon.) What about my t-shirt and chain he always wore or the t-shirt and hoodie he gave me? What about the hours we spent alone sharing our pasts, talking about every dream and hope and fear and disappointment wed ever had? What about the fact that I got used to waking up in the middle of the night to his sweaty clamminess and his snoring long before we started dating? Screw you if you only think I should mourn the dating part of our relationship, bc first and foremost he was my best friend. I loved him with my whole heart long before I said yes. And anyways, you hardly know ME, so how could you know anything about Leon and I? Now. I go to work and I do well, Im in school, I still get up every day and see my friends and family and do what I got to do, so I actually think Im doing pretty well with this. I think if I want to talk about him and post pictures of him and do things to honor his memory and everything he gave me and taught me in life, then Im damn well entitled to it. Everything I do, I do with his mothers permission, and no one elses opinion matters. Theres nothing at all wrong with being sad when you lose someone who gave you so much to smile about - yes, even months down the road. Anyone who thinks otherwise has never lost such a big piece of their lives. Im sure everyone close to him - the mothers of his children, his parents and family, close friends, etc - would agree with me and say they wish they could bring him back and that they miss him every day. There arent any freaking guidelines for grieving.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 18:55:29 +0000

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