Its difficult to get any information on the supposed dead children - TopicsExpress


Its difficult to get any information on the supposed dead children and the only death certificate that has been released is a fake. Plus, Noah Ponzer was also pictured, as a victim, in the school shooting in Pakistan. As Dennis Cimino has observed, why would they need to use different typewriter ribbons on that certificate for different fields of it? and why is the certificate clearly with shaded areas that are not uniform like authentic death certificates are? You can clearly see that the typewriter clarity is blurry in some fields and clear and crisp in the others, meaning that, while the blurry ones may have been done with a typewriter, the clear sections were photoshopped into the document. His observations have been reinforced by those sent to me by Bob Sims: (1) I am rather surprised, according to the copy you posted, that any branch of government was still using typewriters at all, when computers can do it so much better. However, the use of a typewriter in this case makes it much easier to spot fraud. (2) For starters, can you see any reason for the government typist to change the ball back and forth on the IBM machine I must assume was being used, because I cannot think of a reason to go to the extra trouble, and what for? (3) For example, look at the very top in Box 3, where the date is posted. Why is that type clearly smaller than the rest of the page? You would have to change the ball for this, but for what reason? (4) Now look at the capital “A” in Box 12 for Residence (Alpine). It is identical to the capital “A” in Box 22 for Mailing Address (Alpine). It is also identical to the capital “A” in Box 33 for Funeral Home. This is totally as expected, is it not? Read on. (5) Note that the capital “A” in question above in three different boxes has a small flag at its pinnacle. Compare that to the capital “A”, without the small flag in Box 4, Time of Death, Box 26, City or Town, Box 27, County of Death, and Box 39, Time Pronounced, and in Box 46, Time of Injury. (6) Compare Box 1, “Noah,” with Box 7, “November,” and you will clearly see that the spacing between the “N” and the “o” is quite different. (7) Compare Box 1, the “N” in “Noah,” with Box 26, the “N” in “SANDY.” They are clearly different. (8) Compare Box 1, “Samuel,” with Box 11, “Sandy,” and again, the spacing between the “S” and the “a” is clearly not the same. (9) In fact, the entire spacing in Box 1 is unlike any other in the forged document. (10) Compare the name “Pozner” in Box 1 with “Pozner” in Box 20, clearly not the same. Noah Pozner’s death certificate is a fake, which we have proven on a dozen or more different grounds. But if Sandy Hook had been real, there would have been no reason to fake it. QED
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 00:48:33 +0000

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