Its easier to stick to your studies when youre strongly motivated - TopicsExpress


Its easier to stick to your studies when youre strongly motivated :) 1.Think positively ☺ Listen to what you say, either to yourself or to others: Do you put yourself down? Are you negative about your chances? Make a list of all the things you’ve completed successfully in the past, include assessments and exams but add other things as well. If you succeeded once, you can do it again. Think about how you did it and use those techniques again. Form mental images of working towards successful outcome, i.e. studying hard and passing! (Its very important to include the working hard bit: you wont pass if you dont do the assignments or study for the exam!) Keep thinking about this, reinforcing the image. Revise with a friend or fellow student (perhaps you could link up with someone youve met through the course page). Then, if one of you is having a bad day, the other can be encouraging and get you motivated again. 2.Set realistic goals☺ If you feel overwhelmed by the amount of work you have to do, try setting some realistic goals. Start by dividing large tasks into smaller, more manageable parts. Then set a mini deadline for each of them. Accept that whereas an A is great, a pass is really all you need. Accept that you can’t do everything and try to work out what is possible. Think about your learning – what works for you and what doesn’t. It’s amazing how many students continue to use strategies and techniques that don’t work for them simply because that’s what they’ve always done. If you don’t think the strategies you’ve been using work all that well for you, then try some new strategies. 3.Take control ☺ You can take control of your studies even if, up to now, you’ve been using all manner of excuses for not studying. Start by deciding to take full responsibility for what you do. Then make a list of the excuses you’ve been using for not studying, e.g. too tired, too far behind, too busy, too many other responsibilities, etc. Look at your list of excuses and decide what you can do to change the situation, 4.Reward yourself ☺ Increase your motivation by providing your own positive reinforcement or rewards. A reward can be big or small, as long its something that youll look forward to, e.g. a walk on the beach; watching your favourite TV show; going to the game on Saturday; a great cup of coffee; a phone call to catch up with a friend; a long, lazy bubble bath; etc. Write a list of your rewards. Check your study plan and make sure that youve divided your work into do-able chunks. Plan a reward at the end of each chunk.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 14:56:12 +0000

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