Its easy to become angry or bitter, and to wonder why god doesnt - TopicsExpress


Its easy to become angry or bitter, and to wonder why god doesnt have you in his favor in moments of uncertainty. Well fight change, and wonder why god would upset you or allow you to hurt in such a way. The good news is.....He isnt being mean, or maliciously watching us suffer....Reality is, we settle, and stay in situations, relationships, even jobs that we know arent right from the start. We become complacent due to comfort and fear of the unknown..... God will force you out of that comfort level because he knows you never will on your own,, because he has such great Desire to see us fulfill our full potential. The hardships, losses, disappointments, broken relationships, and heartache, arent for us to be destroyed, theyre for us to be re-routed towards our true destination. Our victory will come if we embrace the change, and allow him to stretch our potential beyond even our own wildest dreams. God will not allow it, if he didnt have purpose for it.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 01:04:49 +0000

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