Its easy to laugh at the lives of celebs and others that seem to - TopicsExpress


Its easy to laugh at the lives of celebs and others that seem to have their personal business out there for all to see, however, heres some food for thought. While you might echo you dont care, recall a moment when a highly complex private matter in your personal life became the scrutiny of bored, gossiping and miserable folks who seemed to have nothing else better to do than speculate on every instance of your personal affairs, even if they only knew 10% of what is going on with you. It didnt make you feel good did it? You realized who youre real friends were right? You saw an ugly and immature viewpoint of others that swore they knew every bit about your decisions, behaviors, and such?. You felt at that moment, you had no control of your life and wanted anything to make that period of your life go away.... Well, this is a constant thing. While some of you may want entertain the lives of over-privileged celebs, ask yourselves why? And ask yourself if your life is spotless and if the same isnt being done about you, because, Im sure the same smiling faces in your world have big grins when they find out juice about you. Because while its always EASY to point fingers and say that person is doing this or that, its also never easy to look at yourself and know your own faults. You can say I dont care all you want, but when it comes close to home, trust me, no one likes it, and weve all been in a situation where personal matters seemed to be on an expert panel of people you dont even know lol...... Theres a million other topics to discuss in this world, the private lives of other human beings that have virtually no effect on your personal world shouldnt be one of them.... Enjoy that food for your thoughts. :)
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 15:26:07 +0000

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